“Monarchies and Tyrannies”: Nabucco’s Statue in Quevedo

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Adrián J. Sáez
Within the distinct modalities of Quevedo’s sculptural poetry examined on other occasions (poems to the statues of monarchs; the madrigal “Retrato de Lisi en mármol”, etc.), this work aims to study a moral variation through the case of the sonnet “To Pride, with the Example of Nabucco’s Statue” (with two versions), in dialogue with other prose commentaries, which allows certain possibilities of the evidentia to be explored, along with a new exercise in rewriting.
Quevedo, art, sculpture, statue, Nabucco, moral poetry, religious poetry, rewriting

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How to Cite
Sáez, Adrián J. “‘Monarchies and Tyrannies’: Nabucco’s Statue in Quevedo”. Studia aurea: revista de literatura española y teoría literaria del Renacimiento y Siglo de Oro, vol.VOL 12, pp. 217-32, https://raco.cat/index.php/StudiaAurea/article/view/347107.