Spanish readings in the viceregal Naples: the “Myrobiblon…” of Antonio Matina
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Elena E. Marcello
Università degli Studi Roma Tre
Partial transcription and study of an inventory of the readings done by Canon Antonio Matina in the Naples of the second half of the 17th century. The edition concerns the entries related to literature in Spanish. Also, this paper identifies, whenever possible, the copies used for such purpose and analyses the poetic commentaries made by this autor.
readings, textual recepction of Spanish Literature in Italy, Antonio Matina
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How to Cite
Marcello, Elena E. “Spanish readings in the viceregal Naples: the ‘Myrobiblon…’ of Antonio Matina”. Studia aurea: revista de literatura española y teoría literaria del Renacimiento y Siglo de Oro, vol.VOL 12, pp. 307-43,
Author Biography
Elena E. Marcello, Università degli Studi Roma Tre
Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Straniere
Prof. Associato (Prof. Titular) di Lingua e Traduzione L-LIN/07