Luis de Góngora and the mythological fable of the Golden Age: Classification of texts and lexical analysis using computer methods

Main Article Content

Antonio Rojas Castro
After the dissemination of Luis de Góngora’s Fábula de Polifemo y Galatea in 1613, a number of Spanish poets expanded the treatment of myths and established a dialogue with Ovid’s Metamorphoses. As a result of this process, a great amount of short epic poems was composed in the following years. This article aims to achieve three objectives: firstly, to describe in quantitative terms a corpus of 25 epyllia written by poets such as Luis de Góngora, Lope de Vega, Francisco de Quevedo, Juan de Jáuregui and Villamediana, among others. Secondly, the texts are classified using the Stylo package, which takes into account the most frequent words in an attempt to verify the traditional division between “dark” poets and “light” poets. Finally, the lexicon of these works is analyzed taking into consideration the keywords generated with AntConc, and the relative frequency of learned borrowings obtained using R.
learned borrowings, stylometry, epyllion, Juan de Jáuregui, Luis de Góngora, Lope de Vega

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How to Cite
Rojas Castro, Antonio. “Luis de Góngora and the mythological fable of the Golden Age: Classification of texts and lexical analysis using computer methods”. Studia aurea: revista de literatura española y teoría literaria del Renacimiento y Siglo de Oro, vol.VOL 11, pp. 111-42,
Author Biography

Antonio Rojas Castro, Cologne Center for eHumanities

Antonio Rojas Castro es doctorado en Humanidades por la Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2015, Barcelona) en donde fue investigador pre-doctoral, becario FPI del grupo de investigación Todo Góngora II y profesor de asignaturas sobre escritura académica y estudios literarios. Ha publicado en revistas como Janus, Caracteres, Lectora, Rilce o Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez. En 2015 co-coordinó un monográfico dedicado a las Humanidades Digitales para la revista Ínsula; su número de ORCID es 0000-0002-8916-4997. Actualmente, es editor de The Programming Historian en español, está al cargo de la comunicación de la Asociación Europea de Humanidades Digitales (EADH) y trabaja como investigador en el Cologne Center for eHumanities.