“Monumentum pietatis”. The preliminary epigrams of Fray Tomás López to his brother Diego López of Valencia de Alcántara: Critical edition and study of sources

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Abigail Castellano López
Fernando Navarro Antolín
Fray Tomás López, O. P., composed two praiseworthy Latin epigrams for the preliminaries of the works of his brother and teacher, the humanist from Extremadura Diego López de Valencia de Alcántara. This work provides an exhaustive study of the classical sources and the “laboratory Latin” so characteristic of the Latin compositions of the humanists of the Spanish Golden Age, as well as an examination of the usual topics of this type of paratexts.
Diego López, Virgil, Persius, Alciato, paratexts, preliminary epigrams, laboratory Latin, Latin humanism

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How to Cite
Castellano López, Abigail; and Navarro Antolín, Fernando. “‘Monumentum pietatis’. The preliminary epigrams of Fray Tomás López to his brother Diego López of Valencia de Alcántara: Critical edition and study of sources”. Studia aurea: revista de literatura española y teoría literaria del Renacimiento y Siglo de Oro, vol.VOL 11, pp. 511-29, https://raco.cat/index.php/StudiaAurea/article/view/332406.
Author Biography

Abigail Castellano López, Universidad de Huelva

Departamento de Filología, Universidad de Huelva.