The evolution of the genre of the lives of Mary in the sixteenth century

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Carme Arronis Llopis
Although the genre of the lives of Mary was consolidated in the late fifteenth century in the Hispanic context, it evolved significantly throughout the next century, influenced directly by the controversies and theological discourses surrounding the cult of the Virgin and the saints. After reviewing the characteristics of the genre, this paper focuses on the main causes that fostered and conditioned its evolution. The features that differentiate the main Marian texts appearing after the celebration of the Council of Trent from the previous ones are then analyzed. The aspects that reflect the continuity and the consolidation of the genre, as well as its main changes (in terms of subject matter, form, diffusion and language) due to the adaptation to the new doctrinal precepts are also discussed.
Lives of Mary, Marian devotion, Council of Trent, Alonso de Villegas, Pedro de Ribadeneira

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How to Cite
Arronis Llopis, Carme. “The evolution of the genre of the lives of Mary in the sixteenth century”. Studia aurea: revista de literatura española y teoría literaria del Renacimiento y Siglo de Oro, vol.VOL 11, pp. 273-96,
Author Biography

Carme Arronis Llopis, Universitat d’Alacant

Profesora contratada doctora del Departamento de Filología Catalana