The gentleman poet Salcedo Coronel: lineage, editing, writing

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Pedro Ruiz
Salcedo Coronel conciliates its work as poet and as Góngora’s commentator with their positions on the court and the aristocracy, represented by their charges as infant cardinal’s master of the horse and knight of Santiago. Both titles appear on the covers of his poetic volumes, and they are not the only element of legitimizing its practice. In Cristales de Helicona (1650) the strategies shown in two dimensions, corresponding to the dual condition. While the iconography of the engraving shows the elements of the relationship between the noble and the poet, the prologue of Pellicer emphasizes the aristocratic status of the author, and this turns the volume in a space of representation of relations of sociability with other members of the literary field of time. Between writing and editing, the gentleman poet displays his self-representation.
Salcedo Coronel, Pellicer, paratexts, edition, literary field, genealogy

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How to Cite
Ruiz, Pedro. “The gentleman poet Salcedo Coronel: lineage, editing, writing”. Studia aurea: revista de literatura española y teoría literaria del Renacimiento y Siglo de Oro, vol.VOL 10, pp. 239-70,
Author Biography

Pedro Ruiz, Universidad de Córdoba

Departamento de Literatura Española

Catedrático de Universidad