Self-fashioning and poet’s attitude in the ethical correspondances of the Early Renaissance

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Clara Marías
This article endeavours to emphasize the interest of the configuration of the poetic I that the ethical verse-epistles of the early Spanish Renaissance construct, that is, those written in verse by authors born before 1535, whose content intermingles the ethical ideas with the individual experience. Throughout the analysis of the psychological, ethical, and literary configuration of the poetic persona it is possible to show the self-fashioning of the poet and its attitude towards another poet in the correspondance between them: if it is projected as a satisfied or desperate human being, virtuous or sinner, a poetic master or apprentice.
Self-fashioning, verse-epistle, Poetic I, correspondance, Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, Juan Boscán, Alonso Núñez de Reinoso, Tomás Gomes, Jorge de Montemayor, Juan Hurtado de Mendoza, Francisco Sá de Miranda, Diego Ramírez Pagán, Cristóbal de Tamariz

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How to Cite
Marías, Clara. “Self-fashioning and poet’s attitude in the ethical correspondances of the Early Renaissance”. Studia aurea: revista de literatura española y teoría literaria del Renacimiento y Siglo de Oro, vol.VOL 10, pp. 15-76,
Author Biography

Clara Marías, Fundación Ramón Menéndez Pidal / Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Doctora en Literatura Española en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Investigadora en la Fundación Ramón Menéndez Pidal (edición del Romancero Tradicional de las Lenguas Hispánicas)