La acreditación como mecanismo para la garantía del compromiso social de las universidades

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Yazmín Cruz López
Prior to an analysis of higher education, the context in which it operates must be assessed and
established. In this respect, it is clear that we live in an increasingly complex world with alarming
imbalances, a world of striking inequalities and paradoxes.
Socially committed higher education is needed to face today’s major social transformations, which
include the increasingly important role of knowledge as a determinant of development; national
security and terrorism; environmental degradation as a result of human activity; and dominion
over other cultures, leading to their disappearance.
Efforts aimed at improving the quality of higher education must include an assessment of its
relevance. This article explains why the concept of social relevance is integral to the quality of
education and that it is therefore essential to develop quality assurance indicators and criteria
that take into account the social commitment of universities.

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Cómo citar
Cruz López, Yazmín. «La acreditación como mecanismo para la garantía del compromiso social de las universidades». Sostenible?, n.º 10,