Complejidad y ciencias sociales

Main Article Content

Andri Werner Stahel
In this article, the author argues in favour of extending what has come to be known by
most as Complexity Theory (and which Morin calls ‘restricted complexity’) based on
contributions from the social sciences and philosophy, including discussions on the
importance of language in the configuration of human action and understanding, as well
as on dialectical thinking and hermeneutics. He also argues that, in developing an
expanded complexity theory, we must bridge the gap between various kinds of human
knowledge, awareness and expression by complementing analytical and ‘scientific’
discourse with poetic and artistic discourse, as well as other means of accessing
knowledge and awareness.

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Cómo citar
Stahel, Andri Werner. «Complejidad y ciencias sociales». Sostenible?, n.º 9,