Towards the Johannesburg Summit 2002. The Chairman's paper

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The Johannesburg Summit 2002 is the World Summit on Sustanaible Development (also known as Rio+10) which will be held between 26 August and 4 September in Johannesburg (South Africa). This is ten years after the historic celebration of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, known as the Rio Summit. The official objectives of the new summit include: that the 179 participating countries evaluate their progress since Rio 1992; to highlight the need for a global association in order to reach the objectives of sustainable development; to restate the need for an integral and strategic focus on the application of Agenda 21; to study the main opportunities and challenges facing the international community in the regard.
This summit will be extended with the Global NGO Forum like the one held ten years ago. At the time of writing (mid March 2002), the most representative document of the preparation for this summit is the Chairman's paper, presented by the Preparatory Committee Chairman, Emil Salim. He presented this document in the second preparatory meeting (of four sheduled) for the summit.

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,. “Towards the Johannesburg Summit 2002. The Chairman’s paper”. Sostenible?, no. 4,