Es tracta del deute privat!
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Daniel Gomez-Olive Casas
The main economic European and Spanish policy makers tirelessly repeat to us
like if it was a mantra, that the current financial crisis stems from poor governance.
Thus, as stated from the European political and economic centers of power, crisis
originates from the fact that public administrations have borrowed above what
imaginable. As a logical consequence, to overcome the crisis all policies to be
carried out must be in line to cut the bleeding public spending. In this article we ask
what truth is found in these claims and whether or not the problem of overindebtedness
in the Spanish case stems from poor governance.
like if it was a mantra, that the current financial crisis stems from poor governance.
Thus, as stated from the European political and economic centers of power, crisis
originates from the fact that public administrations have borrowed above what
imaginable. As a logical consequence, to overcome the crisis all policies to be
carried out must be in line to cut the bleeding public spending. In this article we ask
what truth is found in these claims and whether or not the problem of overindebtedness
in the Spanish case stems from poor governance.
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Com citar
Gomez-Olive Casas, Daniel. “Es tracta del deute privat!”. Sostenible?, no. 13,