Los desahucios en la ciudad de Terrassa

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Guillem Domingo Utset
The economic crisis has led to dramatic social consequences; among the most
important ones the loss of housing for hundreds of thousands of people within the
Spanish State. Many families cannot afford their residence mortgage payments
and with only two missed payments the lender entity can file a lawsuit and this gets
the foreclosure process started. Then the process continues with an auction for the
property and if nobody bids, the law provides that such entity awards the housing
for only 60% of its value while the family is evicted still carrying the remaining debt.
In Spain more than 400,000 foreclosures have taken place since 2007 and about
200,000 evictions since 2008. Catalonia is the second region of the ranking (after
Andalusia and Valencia). In the case of Terrassa the city's figures show that there
are about three evictions per day in the period from 2009 to 2012.

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Com citar
Domingo Utset, Guillem. “Los desahucios en la ciudad de Terrassa”. Sostenible?, no. 13, https://raco.cat/index.php/Sostenible/article/view/261986.