Spanish emigration to Europe through cinema: between reality and fiction

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Marta Piñol Lloret
The cinematographic documents provide important information about the Spanish economic emigration towards Europe that took place between the fifties and the seventies. Therefore, it is relevant to study how the Spanish cinema produced at that time reflected this issue, considering the role played by the censorship and how the films were received by the emigrated community itself. Also, it is very valuable to compare the image that it offers with that proposed by dissenting films made outside the industry and the representations that gave the various cinematographies of the countries that hosted them.
Cinema and Ideology, Audiovisual representations, Spanish emigration, Spanish Cinema, European Cinema

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How to Cite
Piñol Lloret, Marta. “Spanish emigration to Europe through cinema: between reality and fiction”. Segle XX, revista catalana d’història, no. 11, pp. 67-89,