Accions i percepcions. Els ambaixadors nord-americans durant el franquisme tardà i la transició espanyola a la democràcia (1969-1978)

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Misael Arturo López Zapico
This paper analyzes the role played by the U.S. Embassy in Madrid during a critical period of the Spanish recent History, the last years of the Franco Regime and the beginning of the Transition to democracy. Specifically, it focuses on review the behavior of the Chiefs of Mission in order to assess their real influence over the design of the relations between Spain and the United States. Also it studies the perceptions of those Ambassadors about the changes in Spain and their influence on the State Department.
Spain, United States, U.S. Embassy, Francoism, Transition to democracy

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How to Cite
López Zapico, Misael Arturo. “Accions i percepcions. Els ambaixadors nord-americans durant el franquisme tardà i la transició espanyola a la democràcia (1969-1978)”. Segle XX, revista catalana d’història, no. 3, pp. 125-4,