Tourism, and work in peripheral area

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Maria Aparecida Pontes da Fonseca
Aljacyra M. Correia de M. Petit
Analysing an area located in the Brazilian Northeast - Natal/RN - we tryied to contribute with a way to better evaluate and characterize the touristic activities in low income areas. We will study the expansion of the labor market in Natal`s touristic activities, the characteristics of this type of work and the public investments done to qualify human resources to be able to deal with the demands and to be able to make this activity more competitive. The expansion of the touristic activity changed significantly the labor market in Natal, creating new positions. However, the majority of these jobs are very precarious.

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How to Cite
Fonseca, Maria Aparecida Pontes da; and Correia de M. Petit, Aljacyra M. “Tourism, and work in peripheral area”. Scripta Nova: revista electrónica de geografía y ciencias sociales, vol.VOL 6,