Population and environment on the threshold of XXI century in the city of Feira de Santana (Bahia - Brazil)

Sandra Medeiros Santo, Barbara-Christine Marie Nentwig Silva, Rosângela Leal Santos, Rosali Braga Fernandes

Factors territorial localization and characterization of uncontrolled landfills in Andalusia

Rosa Jordá Borrell, Francisca Ruiz Rodríguez, Ángel Luís Lucendo Monedero

Agrarian landscapes in conflict. The example of flower-growing in the Maresme district, Barcelona

Alexis Sancho Reinoso, Valerià , 1979- Paül i Carril, Joan , 1958- Tort i Donada

Back to the beaches coastline in the south of Murcia Region

Francisco Belmonte Serrato, Asunción Romero Díaz, José Damián Ruíz Sinoga

The image of Spain in National Geographic Magazine (1888-1936)

Jacobo García Álvarez, Paloma Puente Lozano, Juan Manuel Trillo Santamaría

Scripta Nova in 2013

Quim Bonastra, Horacio , 1941- Capel Sáez, Sergi Martínez Rigol, Jerónimo , 1949- Bouza Vila, Vicenç Casals i Costa