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2013: Vol.: 17
Population and environment on the threshold of XXI century in the city of Feira de Santana (Bahia - Brazil)
Sandra Medeiros Santo, Barbara-Christine Marie Nentwig Silva, Rosângela Leal Santos, Rosali Braga Fernandes
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Conflicts Over Territory and Natural Resources in North Patagonia. A case study about the Ñirihuau River Area (Nahuel Huapi National Park, Argentina)
Guido Galafassi
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Territorial Management and Development: advances and challenges of the processes of political decentralization in Brazil
Valdir Roque Dallabrida, Walter Marcos Knaesel Birkner, Edson Luiz Cogo
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City in dictatorship. Urban process in the city of Buenos Aires during the last military dictatorship (1976-1983)
Luján Menazzi Canese
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Agrarian Structure Georeferenced: Implications of planning and management of the rural area in Brazil
Alcione Talaska, Virginia Elisabeta Etges
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The city as an object of medical intervention. The development of urban medicine in Spain during the eighteenth century
Gerard Jori
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Cultural policies and their impact in city image
Daniel Paül i Agustí
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Scientific importance in the selection of heritage tourist attractions. A vision from social spatiality
Laila Vejsbjerg
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Mind maps, geolinguistics, and talasonymy of Majorca's Migjorn
Antoni Miquel Lucas i Vidal, Antoni Ordinas Garau
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Factors territorial localization and characterization of uncontrolled landfills in Andalusia
Rosa Jordá Borrell, Francisca Ruiz Rodríguez, Ángel Luís Lucendo Monedero
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Care for dependent people law, is a change in the Spanish welfare system? Familiarism versus professionalism
Karsten Krüger, Eduard Jiménez
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The projects of the military engineers Alejandro de Rez and Antonio Montaigú de la Perille for the Cartagena harbour. The first proposals to transform the shoreline (1717-1731)
María Jesús Peñalver Martínez, Juan Francisco Maciá Sánchez
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Agrarian landscapes in conflict. The example of flower-growing in the Maresme district, Barcelona
Alexis Sancho Reinoso, Valerià , 1979- Paül i Carril, Joan , 1958- Tort i Donada
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New geographies of migration in Latin America: citizenship practices in a destination of residential tourism
Michael Janoschka
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Regulation of private forests in Spain, 1855-1977. Facts and hypotheses
Iñaki Iriarte Goñi
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Environmental quality and socioeconomic status: its articulation in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Region
Juan Pablo Celemín, Mariana Marcos, Guillermo Ángel Velázquez
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Planning the commons? Self-management, communal regulation of land and its eclipse in pre-capitalist England
Álvaro Sevilla Buitrago
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Back to the beaches coastline in the south of Murcia Region
Francisco Belmonte Serrato, Asunción Romero Díaz, José Damián Ruíz Sinoga
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Once again the Social Question in Europe. An alternative view to the conservative thought and an agenda for research
Juan Romero
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Protected territories and arenas of conflict in the Conservation Units of Use Sustainable in Sergipe, Brazil
Maria do Socorro Ferreira da Silva, Rosemeri Melo e Souza
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For a productive city: urban diversity in post-industrial transition
Ana Luísa Brandão, Pedro Brandão
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The society Eden-Bébé at the fin-de-siècle in Barcelona
Pere Capellà Simó
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A study and analysis of ways of representing the boundary between adjacent municipal areas as used in different types of maps in Valencia wetland
Carmen Femenia-Ribera, Gaspar Mora-Navarro, Emilio Benitez-Aguado, Natalia Garrido-Villén
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Caipira territory, conservation territory: the case of bairro dos Paulo, São Paulo – Brazil
Cristina de Marco Santiago
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Exploration and Colonialism: José Álvarez Pérez, Spanish consul at Mogador in the 19th Century
Manuela Marín Marín
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The first "industrial cities" Urban layouts, spatial effects and heritage dimension. The experience of New Baztán (Madrid)
Ángeles Layuno Rosas
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Agriculture in city. Expression of superior circuit of pampean agricultural production in Buenos Aires city (Argentine)
Gabriela Inés Maldonado
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Prospects for recovery in areas of desertification process in semiarid of Paraíba – Brazil
Vânia Santos Figueiredo
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The image of Spain in National Geographic Magazine (1888-1936)
Jacobo García Álvarez, Paloma Puente Lozano, Juan Manuel Trillo Santamaría
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Temporalities and technological imaginaries in the modern city. The public clocks in Rosario, Argentina
Paula Vera
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Spatial distribution of crime in the Historic Downtown Area of the City of Belem (Brazil)
Marco Aurélio Arbage Lobo, Luís Henrique Rocha Guimarães
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Protecting a Precious Resource: Water Management in Madrid during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)
Santiago Gorostiza Langa, David Saurí i Pujol
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Melted wool, woven snow: industrial decline and new urban policies in Béjar (Salamanca)
José Luis Sánchez Hernández
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Educational Research and Innovation: The Case of School Geography
Xosé M. Souto González
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Influence of household formation and housing tenure of young population on the European housing systems’ evolution
Juan Antonio Módenes Cabrerizo, Celia Fernández-Carro, Julián López Colás
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Scripta Nova in 2013
Quim Bonastra, Horacio , 1941- Capel Sáez, Sergi Martínez Rigol, Jerónimo , 1949- Bouza Vila, Vicenç Casals i Costa
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