Geographical information technologies and its application to the urban analysis. The study case of the close residentialspaces in the metropolitan areas of Santiago and Valparaíso
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Ma. Luisa Rodrigo Hidalgo
Lily Álvarez Correa
Alejandro Salazar Barrows
Rodrigo Lazcano
Francisco Roa
Daniela Fuentes
The paper focuses its attention on the methodologic aspects related to the design and preparation of geographical data base that details the gated communities in the metropolitan areas of Santiago and Valparaiso. In the elaboration of this instrument important roll plays the geographical information technologies (GIT), understood like the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and the Global Positional System (GPS).
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Rodrigo Hidalgo, Ma. Luisa et al. “Geographical information technologies and its application to the urban analysis. The study case of the close residentialspaces in the metropolitan areas of Santiago and Valparaíso”. Scripta Nova: revista electrónica de geografía y ciencias sociales, vol.VOL 8,
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