The housing of undocumented immigrants in the Canary Islands ( Spain )
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Juan Manuel Parreño Castellano
Raquel Guerra Talavera
Access to housing is one of the main problems of the undocumented immigrants in Spain . The cost of renting, immigrants’ economic situation and legal status determine their residential situation. According to these statements, in this paper, we try to characterize the undocumented immigrants’ residential situation in the Canary Islands and to analyse the relationship between these conditions and the migratory process. Thus, the analysis involves the study of the kind of housing, the housing tenure and the type of household in which immigrants live. Besides, these indicators were related to the immigrants’ economic status, time of permanency in the islands, presence of support networks and the nationality. The results show that their housing conditions are not very different in relation to Spanish population and documented foreigners due to the peculiarities of the housing and job market of the Islands.
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Parreño Castellano, Juan Manuel; and Guerra Talavera, Raquel. “The housing of undocumented immigrants in the Canary Islands ( Spain )”. Scripta Nova: revista electrónica de geografía y ciencias sociales, vol.VOL 10,
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