Havana: Transformations in its demographic variables

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René A. González Rego
The elements that have been related to Havana’s population growth behavior are the prolonged reduction of the fertility, its participation in the external and internal migratory balance and the mortality’s rates prolonged increased, determinate for the continuous demographic oldness process. This situation is manifested in a differential form in the 15 Havana's municipalities.

In this article we elaborate a diagnostic for demographic variables transformations in Havana city based in spatial and temporal behavior analysis of the population volume, sex and age structure, and the rates of the population’s increased, birth, mortality and the internal migratory balance.

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How to Cite
González Rego, René A. “Havana: Transformations in its demographic variables”. Scripta Nova: revista electrónica de geografía y ciencias sociales, https://raco.cat/index.php/ScriptaNova/article/view/55417.