Vulnerable spaces, economic crisis and “post-crisis” scenario: local paths and persistence at intra-urban scale

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José Prada-Trigo
The concept of “urban vulnerability” has emerged in recent years within the fields of study of various disciplines. This article asks about this question from three approaches that can be considered novel: a diachronic perspective, which shows the uneven territorial evolution from 2007 to 2015; an inquiry into the unequal “post-crisis” trajectory, which affects the consolidation of a territorial vulnerability, with deep roots, but which is consolidated during the crisis; and an intraurban perspective, which serves to apply this issue in a scale not much studied but which allows one to obtain interesting contrasts between the different areas of the city. For this, a statistical analysis is applied in three stages through correlation, spatial autocorrelation and bivariate spatial autocorrelation.
crisis, socio-economic vulnerability, recovery, Madrid, spatial autocorrelation

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How to Cite
Prada-Trigo, José. “Vulnerable spaces, economic crisis and ‘post-crisis’ scenario: local paths and persistence at intra-urban scale”. Scripta Nova: revista electrónica de geografía y ciencias sociales, vol.VOL 22,