Territorialization and the creation of new states in Brazil

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Adilar Antônio Cigolini
João Francisco M. M. Nogueira
The discussion about the creation of new federal units in Brazil is on the agenda. In last December, the state of Pará, passed by one referendum that consulted the population if two new political units should be created by dividing the current state of Pará in Carajás, Tapajós and Pará. The division was not approved, but there is still a big debate in Congress that involves the partitioning and the creation of new territorial units in different regions of Brazil. Although the proposals under discussion in Congress looks recent, they have been suggested long ago by researchers of the subject. This work constitutes a historical survey of proposals for the creation of new states, comparing them with current, viewing and understanding why the division of the territory is a recurring theme in Brazil.
territory, territorial partitioning, territorial division, creation of states

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Cigolini, Adilar Antônio; and M. M. Nogueira, João Francisco. “Territorialization and the creation of new states in Brazil”. Scripta Nova: revista electrónica de geografía y ciencias sociales, vol.VOL 16, https://raco.cat/index.php/ScriptaNova/article/view/259937.