El Estridentismo mexicano y su construcción de la ciudad moderna a través de la poesía y la pintura

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José Manuel 1962- Prieto González
The Mexican Estridentism is considered as an Italian Futurism and Spanish Ultraism debtor. It can be said that this discipline is kind of unknown mainly in its plastic derivations. Nowadays Mexico is celebrating its Revolution one-hundred anniversary. A movement that intended to take the country through the modernity way, so it is a good moment to have a look at this artistic-cultural movement’s contributions. Its members (poets, painters and sculptors) took the best of the Revolution inertia to cause an esthetic renovation according to the political and social changes. There were neither architects nor town planners in the group. Nevertheless, the modern city was the estridentist poets and painters’ main esthetic and productive obsession. By the way, they conceived the Estridentopolis utopia. They acted then as real modern city deities in Mexico.
México, Estridentismo, modernidad, arquitectura, urbanismo, Mexico, Estridentism, modernity, architecture, urbanism

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Prieto González, José Manuel 1962-. “El Estridentismo mexicano y su construcción de la ciudad moderna a través de la poesía y la pintura”. Scripta Nova: revista electrónica de geografía y ciencias sociales, vol.VOL 16, https://raco.cat/index.php/ScriptaNova/article/view/252553.