The litoral space ordination of Lisbon, 1860-1940
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Ana Martins Barata
During the last decades of the 19th century and the first ones of the 20th some significant changes were made in the coast line of Lisbon. At the same time several plans were presented with the purpose to contribute to the urban development and embellishment of the city but with no visible results. The construction of a new port and the desire to transform Lisbon into the “waterfront of Europe” were the aim to all these plans – public and from private initiative – which the inspiration for some urbanistic solutions was Paris under the transformations of Baron Haussmann.
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Barata, Ana Martins. “The litoral space ordination of Lisbon, 1860-1940”. Scripta Nova: revista electrónica de geografía y ciencias sociales, vol.VOL 13,
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