Transport, mobility and exclusión. The case of Transantigo in Chili

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Alejandra Lazo Corvalán
Nowadays mobility is developed frequently within more complex spaces and it is a constituent element of the modern metropolis. On the matter, a substantial transformation of the urban flows by renovation of the public transport system in Santiago city Chile, which represented space and social intervention that involves the city as a whole is proposed. From this perspective, several sectors have been favored with the implementation of this new system, whereas others had to assume the costs that the public transport modernization entails. Certain zones have been privileged from connectivity to the rest of the city, whereas some communes have remained outside of the main transport nets, being marginalized and being excluded by the difficulty that implies to move on. This previous fact has significant effects in the population because they will be less favored to accede to job, educative and/or consumption possibilities that in most of the cases are faraway from residential zones.

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How to Cite
Lazo Corvalán, Alejandra. “Transport, mobility and exclusión. The case of Transantigo in Chili”. Scripta Nova: revista electrónica de geografía y ciencias sociales, vol.VOL 12,