José María López Piñero desde la historia de la filosofía.

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Miguel Ángel , 1949- Granada
This essay focuses briefly on the work of J. M. López Piñero as a historian of Spanish science and technology in the 16th and 17th centuries. The following main points are highlighted: insertion into an ideal project of ‘total history’, according to the model traced by Pierre Vilar that implies the abrogation of the dichotomy ‘externalism’/ ‘internalism’; reciprocal connection between science and technology as social realities; attention to the institutionalization of the practice of science and technology; historiography as a collective task.

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Granada, Miguel Ángel , 1949-. “José María López Piñero desde la historia de la filosofía”. Scripta Nova: revista electrónica de geografía y ciencias sociales, vol.VOL 14,