José María López Piñero, notas para una biografía.
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Víctor Navarro Brotons
Vicente L. Salavert Fabiani
José María López Piñero was one of the main driving forces of the important historiographical renovation that took place in Spain in the sixties and seventies in health studies and science in general. He was also a key figure in the pursuit of space for the history of science as an academic discipline in our country. This paper highlights the intellectual biography and the work of López Piñero as a historian of medicine and science. Until the 1980s his historiographical work was articulated primarily on four topics: the history of neuroscience, the interaction between medical science and society in Spanish nineteenth century, the history of medical knowledge and the social history of science in modern Spain. Since the late 1980s he focused on the history of botany, in addition to his traditional research in health issues.
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Navarro Brotons, Víctor; and Salavert Fabiani, Vicente L. “José María López Piñero, notas para una biografía”. Scripta Nova: revista electrónica de geografía y ciencias sociales, vol.VOL 14,
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