Expansión urbana y migración. El caso de los migrantes chilenos en San Carlos de Bariloche como actores destacados en la conformación de barrios populares.

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Brenda Matossian
The origin and organization of certain low class neighborhoods in Bariloche had Chilean migrants as important actors. From the host society the social image of Chilean presence has historically loaded a negative connotation. Formal and informal migratory networks, even in adverse situations, forged urban concentrations based on socioespacial sympathy. In this context, the foundation and membership of an association have had a dual role for the migrant strategy: it legitimizes the visibility of the group and promotes the appropriation of space. This analysis allows us to recognize that formal network implies greater visibility and a stronger territorialization. Own locations legitimize the implementation of long-term migrants. Participation drives more efficiently migrants as main characters in the urban spaces construction.

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Com citar
Matossian, Brenda. “Expansión urbana y migración. El caso de los migrantes chilenos en San Carlos de Bariloche como actores destacados en la conformación de barrios populares”. Scripta Nova: revista electrónica de geografía y ciencias sociales, vol.VOL 14, https://raco.cat/index.php/ScriptaNova/article/view/200055.