La institucionalización del diálogo y la participación en políticas territoriales. La elaboración participativa de un plan nacional de turismo sostenible 2020.

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Álvaro López Gallero
During one year, the Tourism Minister of Uruguay, developed the participation process for the elaboration of the National Tourism Sustainable Plan 2020. I attempt to highlight: methods, procedures, fundamentals of that job and the social transcendence of the achieved product which suposes the involvement of involved social actors. It will be a guide for the development of a tourism which contemplates not only the economic increase but also that, fundamentally, constitutes a tool for the overcoming of life and job quaility. The big actual task is to give answers to the consciences and the generated expectatives, throught the observance of the big axes: responsability in susteinability; estimulus to innovation and quality; develpoment of capabilities; promotion of the products and theh resource to tourism activity towards going on in social, territorial and politics integration.

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Com citar
López Gallero, Álvaro. “La institucionalización del diálogo y la participación en políticas territoriales. La elaboración participativa de un plan nacional de turismo sostenible 2020”. Scripta Nova: revista electrónica de geografía y ciencias sociales, vol.VOL 14,