Entre el Estado y los movimientos sociales: sobre la recreación de lo público en función de la planificación territorial.
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Omar Tobío
The dismantling process of the institutions arisen from the developmentalism, together with the restriction of social citizenship, has attributed higher prominence to the civil society since the end of the seventies, in Argentina. Civil participation has been expressed through different means, being one of them that of social movements; particularly, once the constitutional cycle has been resumed. This work focuses on analyzing how public policies may be re-established among the institutional instances and the demands of the social movements in this context. The aim of such analysis is intended to the proposal of possible ways of action leading to a participatory territorial planning. The main question which directs the argument consists of how to turn from the typical action mechanisms of a territorial and direct democracy to a participatory instance which shall be registered in the State, understanding the latter as a community of rights.
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Tobío, Omar. “Entre el Estado y los movimientos sociales: sobre la recreación de lo público en función de la planificación territorial”. Scripta Nova: revista electrónica de geografía y ciencias sociales, vol.VOL 14, https://raco.cat/index.php/ScriptaNova/article/view/200024.
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