La Torà escrita i la Torà oral en el segle I dC
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Enric Cortès
The article seeks to answer the question whether or not the value of the Oral Torahwas placed by the Pharisees on the same level as the written Torah in the firstcentury AD. After an examination of the relevant texts of Philo and Josephus, theauthor explains the point of view of Neusner-Sanders-Boccaccini. There followsa critical analysis on the “proofs” presented by Sanders (derived principally fromthe Mishnah, the Tosefta and some Talmudic texts), together with the rebuttal ofHengel-Deines. The article concludes that, in spite of the main criticisms levelledagainst the view of Neusner-Sanders, we can nevertheless endorse their thesis:Judaism of the first century AD does not seem to recognize the value of the oralTorah as being on the same level as that of the written Torah.
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How to Cite
Cortès, Enric. “La Torà escrita i la Torà oral en el segle I dC”. Scripta Biblica, vol.VOL 17, no. 17, pp. 127-62,
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