La salvació en Is 38,9-20
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Joan Ramon Marín i Torné
This article identifies the values that give meaning to the concept of salvation in thetext known as the Psalm of Hezekiah (Isa. 38.9-20). Salvation through responsibility.From a methodological point of view, the analysis of the text puts to one sidethe view of the text as a psalm of thanksgiving. Once freed of this weight, whichonly too often I believe has dictated the interpretation of the text, I discover a textof a prophetic-wisdom nature in which at least two protagonists play a role: onewho speaks first as he describes his situation, and another who replies. Both interactwith each other and with the Lord in a review of the context in which the textis inserted, namely chs. 36-39 of Isaiah. The figure of Heziekiah is seen from boththe past (the context of sickness and recovery) and, especially, the future. Futuregenerations criticize and modify the experience of Heziekiah. This analysis has theadvantage of allowing the MT to be maintained as sound in the face of numerousvariants offered by early versions.
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How to Cite
Marín i Torné, Joan Ramon. “La salvació en Is 38,9-20”. Scripta Biblica, vol.VOL 17, no. 17, pp. 47-81,
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