"Va, jutgeu entre jo i la meva vinya". Text massorètic i Targum d'IS 5,1-7
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Joan Ramon Marín i Torner
An approach to the Song of the Vineyard (Isa. 5.1-7) is adopted in thisarticle that is somewhat different from the usual approach: the text is viewedas a judicial parable. Indeed, the study begins with the call to judgementwhich is emitted in the Song (v. 3). Judgement has to be understood as a callto a defence, rather than to a threat of punishment and the announcementof its execution. In examining the meaning of the judgement, this change ofapproach brings with it the discovery of the personal engagement of the prophet(v. 4). The overall impression is that the Song of the Vineyard reflects a crisisin the prophet’s mission, a crisis that will be made explicit in the account ofIsaiah’s calling (ch. 6). From that point, once the prophet is thoroughly purified,he will be ready to collaborate with the Lord in the purification of thepeople. The actions with regard to the vineyard (Isa. 5.5-6) are undertakenwith a view to purification. The prophet complains and cries out because hewas hoping for the Lord’s justice which seems not to be coming (v. 7). But itis a complaint that takes the form of a song of gratitude, that is, a song of love(vv. 1-1). The image of God that the text portrays is one of the Lord watchingtime and again, with justice, over Israel/Judah. Only from the Lord of the universe,their God, can the prophet and the people hope for truly effective action.In developing the theme, the Targum points in the same direction.
Judici, missió profètic, purificació, tragum, cançó d'amor
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Marín i Torner, Joan Ramon. “‘Va, jutgeu entre jo i la meva vinya’. Text massorètic i Targum d’IS 5,1-7”. Scripta Biblica, vol.VOL 14, pp. 45-88, https://raco.cat/index.php/ScriptaBiblica/article/view/301841.