La comunitat joànnica: Balanç d'una proposta
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Josep Oriol Tuñí i Vancells
We cannot ignore the Johannine community, even though we have no historicalinformation about its locality or its identity. In actual fact, the insights of modernand contemporary exegesis confirm the path traced by epistemology and, more specifically,hermeneutics of the previous centuries. However, the present approach toreading biblical works takes careful account of the need for a hermeneutic of perspective.The importance of continuing to make reference to the community meansthat the relevance of I John is even stronger: it is a way of highlighting the factthat, even though the Gospel of John reflects primarily the milieu and experienceof the community, nevertheless Jesus remains fundamental. The accent of I Johnon the humanity of Jesus (on his condition in the flesh) is of capital importance,as Johannine exegesis recognizes. However, a good number of leading Johannineexegetes continue to consider the Johannine community as dependent on the wholetradition that is attributed to a beloved disciple of Jesus, as the founder and modelof a group of Christians who underwent an extraordinary experience and who set itout in what they called the Gospel of John.
Paraules clau
Evangeli de Joan, comunitat joànnica, hermenèutiques, humanitat de Jesús, context jueu.
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Com citar
Tuñí i Vancells, Josep Oriol. “La comunitat joànnica: Balanç d’una proposta”. Scripta Biblica, vol.VOL 16, no. 16, pp. 145-69,
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