"La comunitat dels congregats". Estudi de l'arrel qhl en la Bíblia hebrea

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Joan Ferrer Costa
This study considers the meaning of the word ‘ekklesia’ in the OT. The Septuagintshows that it is a translation of the Hebrew word qahal, which is examined herefrom a philological point of view. It is especially interesting to note that qhl is nota word that is borrowed from other cultures but is a neologism in the languageand thought of the biblical people of Israel. An analysis of the most significantoccurrences of words with the root qhl leads to striking theological conclusions: themeaning of the word ‘ekklesia’ in the NT comes from the strong meaning that theHebrew Bible gives to the texts that speak of the ‘congregation’ with reference toIsrael as a community gathered around the Lord, especially in connection with hisword and with the praise that those who feel called to be members of the gatheredpeople address to him.
Paraules clau
ekkesia, qhl, Bíblia hebrea, Septuaginta, assemblea

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Com citar
Ferrer Costa, Joan. “‘La comunitat dels congregats’. Estudi de l’arrel qhl en la Bíblia hebrea”. Scripta Biblica, vol.VOL 16, no. 16, pp. 11-25, https://raco.cat/index.php/ScriptaBiblica/article/view/348778.