‘Its Wood is Used to Construct Alfarjes for Royal Palaces’: Tortosa as a Centre for the Production and Distribution of Timber

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Jacobo Vidal Franquet
This article attempts to provide an overview of the production and distribution of timber conducted from Tortosa during medieval and modern times, and tries to prove that—together with the city of Valencia—the capital of the Lower Ebro was a key point in the old Crown of Aragon
timber construction, timber trade, woods, middle ages, Crown of Aragon, Tortosa

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How to Cite
Vidal Franquet, Jacobo. “‘Its Wood is Used to Construct Alfarjes for Royal Palaces’: Tortosa as a Centre for the Production and Distribution of Timber”. SVMMA. Revista de Cultures Medievals, no. 6, pp. 25-47, https://raco.cat/index.php/SVMMA/article/view/305380.