Capital social y redes sociales digitales : análisis de la red social MuyPR perteneciente a la plataforma NING
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Jimena Farfán González
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Periodisme i Ciències de la Comunicació
This study is one of many efforts currently being undertaken as part of the knowledge process initiated by the presence, importance and use of social networking. This study explores and describes qualitatively the new relations between the users who interact in interactive digital social networks, specifically those using the NING platform (web 2. 0), in order to relate them to the development of social capital among people who participate in such networks.
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Farfán González, Jimena. “Capital social y redes sociales digitales : análisis de la red social MuyPR perteneciente a la plataforma NING”. RUTA Comunicación, no. 5, pp. 1-30,