Buber entre filosofia i exegesi bíblica

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Frederic Raurell
Martin Buber studied, translated and read the Bible as a unity, but did not adopte biblical criticism. In fact, what finally interested Buber was not the critical question of
how the Bible was written, but the spiritual question of how it is read (the Bible as Mikra). Buber’s aim was not so much the reconstruction of history as the hearing of the voice of the supreme Presence. He came to a philosophical and to an existential dialogical understanding of the biblical text, which was seen as an example of dialog. But thought that God is spoken to, not spoken about. The biblical God is a living God,
to be met in dialog, not a philosophical God.

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Com citar
Raurell, Frederic. “Buber entre filosofia i exegesi bíblica”. Revista Catalana de Teologia, vol.VOL 35, no. 1, pp. 133-51, https://raco.cat/index.php/RevistaTeologia/article/view/210720.