La Infància i les famílies procedents de la immigració estrangera a Catalunya en xifres: població, llars i nuclis

Main Article Content

Beatriz Ballestín González
Clara Roca de Torres
This text focuses on the main sociodemographic and family trends of the children from
foreign-born immigrant families in Catalonia. A quantitative approach to the reality of
this social group is of key importance to properly identify some of the challenges and opportunities
that need to be faced in the diverse and complex Catalan society of the future.
A society that is increasing in ethnic and cultural diversity and that is contributing to the
complexity of inequality parameters. The first part of the text deals with the flows as well
as with the evolution of the foreign-born population under 18 years old in terms of gender
and age structure. For the purpose of calibrating the diversity of family structures that are
generated from different migratory processes, the second part of the article proposes a series
of indicators on the homes and the family nuclei in which these children live.

Article Details

How to Cite
Ballestín González, Beatriz; and Roca de Torres, Clara. “La Infància i les famílies procedents de la immigració estrangera a Catalunya en xifres: població, llars i nuclis”. Revista Catalana de Sociologia, no. 26, pp. 51-72,