El Pluralisme metodològic com a posicionament de partida. Una pimera valoració del seu ús a la recerca social

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Andrés Coco Prieto
Màrius Domínguez Amorós
The aim of this article is to think over the practical strategies for combining qualitative and quantitative methods, with a methodological pluralist approach. Thus, we will adopt that attitude as our starting position and we will make a first assessment of their use in social research. Illustrated from a research which has been carried out about the labour insertion and the socio-professional carriers in the scenic arts sector, it proposes multiple forms of looking, conceptualizing and accessing the social reality. This multiplicity affects not only ontological and theoretical but also epistemological status. After revising the so called paradigmatic pluralist approach and raising again social research methodological profiles starting from their basic dimensions, a profound study in the methodological pluralism or multiple methods approach to social research has been made taking as a reference the principal strategies for blending qualitative and quantitative methodology that legitimize this proposal: completeness, complementarity and triangulation.

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How to Cite
Coco Prieto, Andrés; and Domínguez Amorós, Màrius. “El Pluralisme metodològic com a posicionament de partida. Una pimera valoració del seu ús a la recerca social”. Revista Catalana de Sociologia, no. 11, pp. 105-32, https://raco.cat/index.php/RevistaSociologia/article/view/222298.