Emocions en l'esport. Esbós d'una anàlisi sociològica
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Klaus Heinemann
Emotions are social facts to be studied by Sociology. Norms, rules and social structures are independent of people. From this point of view, emotions in sports are analyzed and a set of theoretical and methodological proposals are offered. Because of the poorness of available empirical research these proposals mainly have a programatic character dealing with: types of
emotions in sports, the functions, management and communication of emotions and the emotions as processes.
emotions in sports, the functions, management and communication of emotions and the emotions as processes.
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Com citar
Heinemann, Klaus. “Emocions en l’esport. Esbós d’una anàlisi sociològica”. Revista Catalana de Sociologia, no. 5, pp. 117-46, https://raco.cat/index.php/RevistaSociologia/article/view/236218.