Les Associacions i la integració d'immigrants estrangers
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John Casey
All immigrant host societies have witnessed the creation of immigrant communities or enclaves, which in industrialised countries have
invariably been accompanied by the development of ethnic associations that adopt existing organisational structures. These ethnic associations work alongside mainstream organisations to promote the internal
structuring of the immigrant groups and to help negotiate their participation
in the host society. This article analyses the work of the different association that work with immigrants in the context of the different models
of relations between immigrants and the host society.
invariably been accompanied by the development of ethnic associations that adopt existing organisational structures. These ethnic associations work alongside mainstream organisations to promote the internal
structuring of the immigrant groups and to help negotiate their participation
in the host society. This article analyses the work of the different association that work with immigrants in the context of the different models
of relations between immigrants and the host society.
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Com citar
Casey, John. “Les Associacions i la integració d’immigrants estrangers”. Revista Catalana de Sociologia, no. 6, pp. 9-22, https://raco.cat/index.php/RevistaSociologia/article/view/222482.