Nous dendrímers quirals multifuncionals

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Raquel Gutierrez
Ona Illa
Rosa Maria Ortuño
Dendrimers are highly-branched molecular
(nano)architectures of well defined size and number of terminal
groups. These molecules have potential applications as
biomaterials, drugs or hosts. In the present work, new chiral
multifunctional cyclobutane dendrimers have been synthesized
through a convergent approach. This synthetic methodology,
which consists in the attachment of pre-synthesized dendrons to
the core, leads to dendrimers of monodisperse molecular weight
which are easier to purify. In our laboratory 1,3,5-trisubstituted
benzenes have been used as cores, whereas a multifunctional
cyclobutane !,"-amino diacid and the tetrapeptide resulting from
the coupling of the !,"-amino diacid an three conveniently
protected GABA (gamma-aminobutiric acid) residues, have been
used as dendrons.

Structural properties of these molecules and their possible
applications in the field of new materials are under study.

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How to Cite
Gutierrez, Raquel et al. “Nous dendrímers quirals multifuncionals”. Revista de la Societat Catalana de Química, no. 10, pp. 21-25,

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