Cantors castrats en la capella del Col·legi Seminari de Corpus Christi de València, entre les veus de tiple masculines adultes i infantils durant el segle XVII
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Mireya Royo
The Chapel of the Corpus Christi Seminary College of Valencia, founded by Juan de Ribera (1532-1611), began its activity in 1605 with a large set of voices, instrumentalists and six children. The children would receive the necessary training to be able to take part, after a period of initiation, in the performance of polyphony with their soprano voices.Over the course of the 17th century, twenty-eight boys were castrated. Called capons in Catalan, over thirty per cent of these children came to be dismissed due to their lack of suitable qualities. It would thus appear that the liking for castrati voices, which grew throughout the 17th century, became relatively well established in view of its selectivity and continuity in this important Valencian chapel.
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How to Cite
Royo, Mireya. “Cantors castrats en la capella del Col·legi Seminari de Corpus Christi de València, entre les veus de tiple masculines adultes i infantils durant el segle XVII”. Revista Catalana de Musicologia, vol.VOL 10, pp. 91-105,