La col·lecció de música Baldelló: inventari, catalogació i estudi
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Carles Badal Pérez-Alarcón
The Baldelló Music Collection is a factitious compilation of documents which was created in the mid-20th century by the musicologist Revd. Francesc Baldelló. This collection is basically drawn from documents relating to the music chapel of Santa Maria del Pi, principally from the 19th century although it contains documents from other periods as well. This set of documents, while reflecting old-fashioned archiving methods, is of key importance for the historical reconstruction of this music chapel. Despite the age of thiscollection, an in-depth study was still lacking which would analyse its content and make it known to the scientific community in order to facilitate new proposals in connection with the study of this music chapel. This paper seeks to fill this void, first by explaining the process by which the collection has been inventoried and its official catalogue has been published, and secondly by presenting a study of its content, making specific cases known and setting out proposals for future research linked to this institution, which is as old as it is significant for the parish of Santa Maria del Pi.
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Badal Pérez-Alarcón, Carles. “La col·lecció de música Baldelló: inventari, catalogació i estudi”. Revista Catalana de Musicologia, vol.VOL 11, pp. 233-5,