El Concepte de testament merament revocatori
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Sandra Camacho Clavijo
Book iv of the Civil Code of Catalonia explicitly admits for the first time in Article 422-9
the validity of a will whose only content is the revocation of a previous will, without the need
to institute an heir. This is the so called merely revocatory will and its innovatory character and
difficulty of fitting into our Succession Law demands a rigorous analysis of its concept and of
its nature, with special attention to the practical problems which it entails. The aim of this paper
is to approach the study and legal construction of the merely revocatory will concept in
Catalan Succession Law, and with this goal we make a brief analysis of its historical sources, its
doctrinal interpretation and its classification within the Civil Code of Catalonia.
the validity of a will whose only content is the revocation of a previous will, without the need
to institute an heir. This is the so called merely revocatory will and its innovatory character and
difficulty of fitting into our Succession Law demands a rigorous analysis of its concept and of
its nature, with special attention to the practical problems which it entails. The aim of this paper
is to approach the study and legal construction of the merely revocatory will concept in
Catalan Succession Law, and with this goal we make a brief analysis of its historical sources, its
doctrinal interpretation and its classification within the Civil Code of Catalonia.
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How to Cite
Camacho Clavijo, Sandra. “El Concepte de <i>testament merament revocatori</i>”;. Revista Catalana de Dret Privat, vol.VOL 15, no. 2, pp. 123-42, https://raco.cat/index.php/RevistaDretPrivat/article/view/307355.
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