El Matarranya històric en la vida i l’obra d’en Joan Perucho Recordant Joan Perucho

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Artur Quintana i Font

Artur Quintana takes us for a walk through the historic Matarranya by Joan Perucho. He recovers the places where he went when he was a judge of Gandesa, with some curiosities included and the recovery of the references about this territory that we can find in his texts. But he also tells us about the different contacts he had with people that lasted over time.

Joan Perucho, historic Matarranya, judge of Gandesa, experiences

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How to Cite
Quintana i Font, Artur. “El Matarranya històric en la vida i l’obra d’en Joan Perucho: Recordant Joan Perucho”. Revista del Centre de Lectura de Reus, https://raco.cat/index.php/RevistaCLR/article/view/388315.