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Anna Escofet Roig
Ferran Cortés Izquierdo
Montse Freixa Niella
Miquel Gómez Serra
Marta López

The new configuration of teaching in the context of the EHEA has facilitated the creation of teaching teams. This is one of the key issues at the University but also a problem because of the difficulty of changing culture of teachers, framed in little agile and flexible structures. The proposed research focuses on the diagnosis of the situation of Faculty of Education teachers teams, since the implementation of Bologna to the present. The diagnosis is made from two aspects. The first serves to get the equipment profile and perception of teachers about teaching teams, and the second focuses on the identification of best practices.

EHEA, Teaching teams, Best practices

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How to Cite
Escofet Roig, Anna et al. “EQUIPS DOCENTS: IDENTIFICACIÓ DE BONES PRÀCTIQUES”. Revista del Congrés Internacional de Docència Universitària i Innovació (CIDUI), no. 1, https://raco.cat/index.php/RevistaCIDUI/article/view/372836.

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