El hacer del equipo docente: de la identidad individual a la colectiva

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Anna Escofet Roig
Montse Freixa Niella
Ana M. Novella Camara

Teaching teams facilitate the construction of teacher identity and the development of teacher role. The research aims to identify the elements of teaching in teaching teams to improve their functional character that allow a collective identity. The results show the elements that define collaborative team teaching: to know each other, to recognize the other, to define a project and the deliberation for innovate and evaluate.

teaching teams, higher education, teaching, teaching identity

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How to Cite
Escofet Roig, Anna et al. “El hacer del equipo docente: de la identidad individual a la colectiva”. Revista del Congrés Internacional de Docència Universitària i Innovació (CIDUI), no. 3, https://raco.cat/index.php/RevistaCIDUI/article/view/368104.

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