Proposal for the elaboration of a triage guideline in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

Eduardo Rivera López, Romina Rekers, Felicitas Holzer, Federico Abal, Romina Rekers, Felicitas Holzer, Irene Melamed, Diana Salmún, Laura Belli, Sol Terlizzi, Marcelo Alegre, Alahí Bianchini, Ignacio Mastroleo


The loneliness of COVID-19 patients at the end of their lives

Marta Consuegra-Fernández, Alejandra Fernández-Trujillo


Essay on the pandemic

Manuel Jesús López Baroni


Data in times of pandemic: The urgency of a new covenant. Reflections from Latin America and the Caribbean

Patricia Sorokin, María Angélica Sotomayor Saavedra, Blanca Bórquez Polloni, Myrna Martí, Alejandro Duro, Estela Quiroz Malca, Águeda Muñoz del Carpio Toia, Eduardo Alfredo Duro, Fabiola Czubaj, Laura Rueda, Elizabeth María Benites Estupiñan, Paula Romina Putallaz, Santiago A. Resett, Ida Cristina Gubert, Luis Manuel López Dávila, Alejandra Mpolás Andreadis, Mirtha Andreau de Bennato, Claude Vergès


The right to personal data protection, digital technologies and the pandemic for COVID-19 in Colombia

Ana Gómez-Córdoba, Sinay Arévalo-Leal, Diana Bernal-Camargo, Daniela Rosero de los Ríos


Choices of Sofia and the pandemic of COVID-19 in Brazil: Bioethical reflections

Alessandra Torres, Aline Aparecida Araújo Félix, Priscila Iozelina Silveira de Oliveira


Control of Privacy by Health Authorities in Emergency Situations

Juan Francisco Rodríguez Ayuso, Juan Francisco Rodríguez Ayuso


The role of remuneration in the decision to participate in health research

Priscila Goergen Brust-Renck, Ana Carolina M. Pechansky, Roberta Bristot Silvestrin, Lucas França Garcia, Bruna Pasqualini Genro, José Roberto Goldim


Illicit advertising and health: Closing the circle

Francisco José Ojuelos Gómez, Francisco José Ojuelos Gómez
