A neuroethics of lie?

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Luis García Chico

In this work, the possibility of theorizing a neuroethics of lying is analyzed. To talk about a neuroethics of lying, its definition should be clear and exact. In this study I argue that this is not the case, lying is not well defined and neuroscience fails to create a solid theory of lying. Finally, a series of points are proposed that will allow us to build a neuroethics of lying.

neuroethics, lie, philosophy, neuroscience, ethics

Article Details

How to Cite
García Chico, Luis. “A neuroethics of lie?”. Revista de bioética y derecho, pp. 49-62, doi:10.1344/rbd2024.62.43793.
Author Biography

Luis García Chico, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM)

Profesor Asociado de Derecho Constitucional, U. de Castilla-La Mancha.


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